April 20, 2017
Dear Friends,
Happy Easter! I trust your spirits were lifted as you reflected on the great gift of love we celebrate. This season of joy and renewed hope is especially meaningful to all of us at Joseph's House. We rededicate ourselves to our mission of caring for God's Presence in our midst.
I want to thank all of you who have responded so generously to our Annual Appeal. I had hoped to raise $75,000 and, thanks to all of you, we are very close. We stand at $69,832! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I appeal to you who have not yet responded. Could you please help us reach our goal? We need $5,182. Please consider a PayPal donation, a United Way gift or sending off a personal check. With your support, we will raise the money we need to provide food, shelter and pathways out of homelessness.
I wish you all the blessings of this joyous season.
With Deep Gratitude,
John Klein
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