May 2015 e-newsletter
Thank You!
There are so many of you who support Joseph’s House, by volunteering to serve dinner to our guests, making casseroles for our freezers, supporting us financially, or donating items from our wish list. We are so grateful for all of you. In addition to the great work of our individual supporters, in May we saw a number of foundations and corporations stand up to help keep the mission of Joseph’s House to "Care for God’s Presence in Our Midst" going strong. We want to particularly thank folks like the Domenica Foundation and the Bunbury Company, whose financial support helps provide a warm, safe place to sleep for our guests every night, and Comcast, whose donations make sure our guests have the toiletries and other supplies they need. They, along with International Raw Materials, the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust, SAR Automotive Equipment, Melitta Coffee, the Darden Restaurant Foundation, and many others, are crucial in ensuring that our guests have access to shelter, food, and much-needed social services as they stay with us at Joseph’s House. We thank them, and you, for their generous spirits, and for sharing their time, talents, and treasures with us.
John Klein
Peggy, Pepe, and Elena Piperno of the Domenica Foundation with Msgr. Bob McDermott
John Klein and Andrew Selby of Joseph's House with Comcast Staff
Wish list donations for our guests
Copyright © Joseph's House of Camden, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Joseph's House of Camden
555 Atlantic Avenue
Camden, NJ 08104