August 2015 e-newsletter
Greetings from Joseph's House
Can you believe summer is over and Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia in just a few days? It's certainly been a busy summer here at Joseph's House -- our second at 555 Atlantic, and our shelter beds have been full every night. We're anticipating a busy winter as the temperatures begin to drop.
Our goal for each and every guest who comes to Joseph's House is to connect them to their hopes for a better life. We encourage that hope and provide practical help to our guests to move them towards their goals. We couldn't do this without our community partners. Folks like Catholic Charities, the Camden County Board of Social Services, the Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs, South Jersey Legal Services, Wiley Christian Adult Day Services, Project HOPE, Volunteers of America, Oaks Integrated Care, Center for Family Services, and New Visions Day Shelter. Thanks to these local experts, our guests have access to high-quality community based services that can help them address their barriers to housing.
So thank you, community partners, for all you do for Joseph's House!
Cots prepared by our guests for another night at Joseph's House
Copyright © Joseph's House of Camden, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Joseph's House of Camden
555 Atlantic Avenue
Camden, NJ 08104